What’s Up with Online Casinos in New Jersey? Find out

New Jersey is one of the most populous places in the United States to allow casino-style betting over the Internet. The bill that was signed by Republican governor Chris Christie came with a lot of applause, and numbers edging into the billions for estimated profits for online casinos. That hasn’t been the case though, and those who are trying to cash in on the newly legalized market are pulling back some severely burned fingers.
What Happened?
There were a variety of different factors that weighed into the implosive failure of online gambling to perform in New Jersey, and the resulting catastrophe was more than the sum of its parts in both impact as well as in dollars lost. The first problem was the advertising focus used by several online casinos targeting the market; they focused on slot machines, which appears to be something that New Jersey residents simply aren’t biting on. The sign up procedures for these sites were overly complex and complicated, which was originally meant to prevent non-residents and minors from signing up but instead resulted in people getting frustrated and not signing up at all. Lastly the technical support simply isn’t present for the market, with many banks refusing to handle transactions for online gambling and many people who want to play from their smartphones being unable to do so.
What’s Next?
All of these problems combined led to losses of millions of dollars for online casinos who figured they were in for a huge payday from those in New Jersey who were just itching to start making money from their online betting habits. While there have been corrections made to the course, such as casinos now focusing on poker over slot machines and working to persuade more people to actually sign up by offering bonuses and other deal sweeteners, there’s still speculation as to whether or not this law will help anyone at all.
While the initial turn out has been a disappointment, and there are a lot of sticking points between online casinos and the government, it is important to remember that this market was quite literally just born. Growing pains and mistakes are par for the course, and there’s thus far not been a problem severe enough to completely crash the endeavor as a whole. There’s a lot of lost money, frustration, and problems for focus, but the online casinos are simply rolling up their sleeves to take another swing at this state-side market.
Why? Well, quite simply because new markets are ripe for new patrons. Online casinos are always looking for new ways to bring in new blood, and when there’s a completely untapped market it would be foolish to leave it untapped. This is particularly true when the competition could step in and snap it right up, raking in all of the profits that a casino who was too slow of the mark could have sucked right up. This fight just got started, and it’s likely to keep going into the immediate future.
Atualizado em 26 de June de 2019.