Topical Tournaments At Crazy Slots Online Casino

If you’re looking for some crazy games and unlimited fun and excitement, you have to make a visit to Crazy Slots Online Casino. Known for hosting a number of slots tournaments on special days and occasions, the casino does not leave any chance to offer more fun and adventure. It had organized a special one-day tournament named Cinco De Mayo on May 5, 2011. The Mexican-themed La Cucaracha slot game was designated for that occasion. Crazy Slots usually organizes topical tournaments for giving its players chances to celebrate the occasion by winning more money. The other topical tourney at the casino was on Mother’s Day. Started from May 8, 2011, the tournament continued for six days till May 13, 2011. It offered a good chance to those players who missed out the earlier tournament. The special feature was that the Mother’s Day tournament continued for almost a week giving ample time to its players to arrive and have fun by playing the game.
Thousands of players registered themselves for this most happening tournament. Actually, the registration was open till Friday 13, 2011, the last day of the tournament. The guaranteed prize pool for this occasion was $25,000 which was too big for a free roll. The prize pool was something that attracted thousands of players to register and play in this tournament. The pool of prizes was shared by 6,000 winners whereas $1,000 was fixed for the first ranker. To participate in this tournament and play to win $1,000, the participants needed to have a starting balance of $75 with free entry. The players who lost could get a fresh balance of $250 for just $4.99. Re-buys were unlimited in this tournament.
The game designated for this special tournament was Freeroll which is a popular lucky lady slot game. Though the theme of the game does not revolve around Mother’s Day, but it celebrates the contribution of women to the World War 11 effort. In this tournament, participants were supposed to choose the correct fighter plane to win up to 100 times the triggering bet in the bonus.
Powered by software from Vegas Technology, another topical tourney at Crazy Slots Online Casino was on Friday 13, 2011 Pot Percentage. The designated game for this special tournament was Monster Money Slot Game. Started from 8 am on Friday 13th, it continued till 8 pm giving players an opportunity to hit big money. The tournament had an entry as well as re-buy fee of $0.66. Based on a mad scientist theme, the game was played by hundreds of players. The pot collected was shared among the winners.
Crazy Slots Online Casino is known in the online gambling industry for its crazy tournaments and big jackpots. Offering something unique and unusual, the casino is very much preferred among online gambling players. Every now and then, you’ll find a different and unique tourney on its site and that also based on different topics and occasions. The casino celebrates all occasions with zeal and offers excellent opportunities to its customers to hit big money.
Atualizado em 26 de June de 2019.