The 2012 WSOPE fails to award the final bracelet before the Main Event

The European Leg of the World Series running for 14 days started on September 21 for 14 days. Saturday 28 September was the start of day 1a of the main event.
Saturday was the most popular day yet at the WSOPE, with the ultimate two bracelets to be awarded and then the Main Event which is the greatest attraction of the tournament due to kick off. Only it did not quite occur that way. Although everything was tried they only managed to award one bracelet. In the other event, the semi finals of the Mixed Max 2 controversial happenings held up play and it appears that the tournament can not now be completed as scheduled.
Despite the best initiatives of gamers and team as well, only one bracelets champion was crowned on this day. Debate swirled around the semifinals of the Combined Max, as two individual occurrences introduced perform to a hault, likely scuttling any possibilities the competition had of completing promptly. The Primary Occasion saw Eileen Mizrachi get a jump begin on his third money of the series.
The € 10,450 Combined Max No limit Hold’em all started routinely with little controversy as Jon Aguiar played Faraz Jaka and Brandon Cantu fought Mark Hairabedian. The cards were in Aguiar’s benefit throughout his semifinal , and it took him just over two time beat Jaka and his place in the final.
But in the other match it was far from straightforward . Cantu and Hairabedian would take nearly nine time to go from the initial Flop to the ultimate River, with stoppages in between as the gamers, dealers and officials got into disagreements over some quite simple things.
First stoppage was due to Hairabedian claiming that his seating position was in the line of sight of spectators and requested a change in position. After discussion the Tournament Director approved which caused Cantu some upset. A second stoppage was due to Hairabedian checking before he should have on the Turn Card and Cantu, by checking as well, locked him in. Hairabedian wished to change his bid and this resulted in a 30 min stoppage as the staff checked the tapes. Hairabedian won that pot in the end.
After finally eliminating Hairabedian, Cantu took on Aguiar in the finals. Cantu began with a pot of 1.77 million to 1.11 million , but winning the first few pots he gave it all back . They then played the most costly pot of the tournament so far, as Aguiar went all-in with wallet hole card eight on an A 8 3 on the flopl only to get snap-called by Cantu with K T of diamonds.
Aguiar won the pot giving him a 3 to 1 lead. Continued to battle it out for another hour before time was called as the Casino shut down at five AM.
The final chip count at the end of the evening saw Brandon Cantu with 1,520,000 leading Jon Aguiar who was left with 1,361,000
As both gamers to enter the main event this game is now postponed until later in the week after they are both eliminated from the Main event.
Atualizado em 26 de June de 2019.