Sports Kiosks and Race books to be banned form small Casinos from 1 July

Sports Kiosks banned from small Casinos
A new bill was recently introduced to stop sports kiosks being installed in small Casinos all over Las Vegas, Nevada. This restriction not only applies to small Casinos, but slot bars too will no longer be allowed to have small sports kiosks working. Governor Brain Sandoval signed the bill into law that any slot bar or small Casino in Las Vegas will no longer operate with any kind of sports kiosk or race book. The bill was sought by the Nevada Resort Association, an association that represents several of the major Casinos all over Las Vegas.
This law came into being regardless of what these small Casinos and slot machine bars owners want. They are now restricted by law. However, there is a certain rule that will say whether a Casino is too small or big enough to be allowed to have these sports kiosks and race books. Only the bars and small Casinos that have a restricted license to have 15 or less slot machines working will be considered small casinos. Those enterprises that have 15 plus machines will be exempt from this new law.. Customers need not be concerned, if the casino or slot machine bar you go is big enough you will still be able to place your wager normally on any kind of sporting event or horse race.
During the testimony that was offered in front of the state Legislature, the managers and owners of the small Casinos that are located all over Las Vegas and other cities in Nevada contended that more than 80 kiosks would have to be removed by July 1st, 2013. This means the loss of several jobs and the loss of revenue that these services bring to the operators. Not only will workers lose out under this new law, but so would the customers. Some customers look for smaller, more intimate and less crowded places where they find comfort and friends to play and try their luck. Now owing to this law they will no longer be able to do so. Another negative point would be that these small casinos, which already have a reduced profit, would lose even more money thanks to this new law. Costumers with accounts in these kiosks would have to look for somewhere else, which would cause them discomfort.
This bill is also aimed several places like the Dotty’s that are in the process of creating several small casinos with 15 or fewer slot machines. This new law also states that a small casino or slot machine bar has to have at least 2.500 square feet open to public, have a permanent bar and restaurant with seats for 25 plus people and kitchens that are open at least 12 hours a day, serving hot meals. These were created to ensure the comfort and also the safety of customers in general. This would also ensure the safety of the crew and guarantee that they have steady jobs that would pay them enough money.
Atualizado em 26 de June de 2019.