Paypal Allows Users To Make Casino Payments Again

Paypal, one of the biggest website used to make payments and transfer money on internet, has once again decided to allow its users to make casino payments. However, this is restricted only to leading online casinos. Paypal is now working with two highly reputed casinos “Ladbrokes” and “32Red” as a part of its policy.
Earlier, it allowed all its users to make and transfer payments on the internet. But in recent times, it withdrew from online gambling industry. The idea behind this was to restrict the use of Paypal accounts of users. The inside story is that the company wanted to determine what kind of websites its users could make payments in. Paypal has therefore now decided to work with bigger online casinos only.
Making Payments More Convenient, Safer
Making payments through Paypal is a more convenient and safer option for those who don’t want to use their credit cards for online payments for security purposes. It is one of the biggest website that allows thousands of individuals and companies to transfer funds online.
For sometime, it withdrew from gambling industry and didn’t allow its users to make payments to online casinos, but once again it has decided to make a comeback allowing users to use it for making payments. However, the problem is that now it works with only bigger casinos of Europe. In the US, it is still unlawful. This is good news for some as it goes hi def. It is however a bad news for those who are members of small online casinos, or the other casinos which are not its members.
Now the matter of concern is that if Paypal wants to restrict its users and works with only leading casinos, it loses its business to a great extent because there are thousands of users who are not the members of any of these two internet casinos. However, it was found out that the company wanted to protect its online reputation, and that’s why it took this step. In such a scenario, when it is concerned about its reputation and has decided to work only with highly reputed casinos, it misses out lot of business opportunities everyday.
Since it is the most popular website available today for people to make payments, it just can’t afford to lose its users and miss out business opportunities. May be, it realized that online casino industry had lot of potential. Therefore, it didn’t want to completely restrict its users to make online payments to casino and that’s why it decided to start all again.
However, there may be another reason for restricting its users to make and transfer payments. Since online gambling is illegal in the US, and it never intended to violate any federal law no matter how much business it lost. The company dared to take this step even after knowing that internet casino industry had a huge potential.
But now when it decides to return to online casino industry, this is absolutely clear that it couldn’t afford to lose such a large client base that transfers millions of dollars everyday while gaming, and that’s why it has loosened its restrictions to a certain extent. Though it is applicable only for European casinos, but it seems that it will loosen all the restrictions once laws in the US change.
Atualizado em 26 de June de 2019.