Luck Is Good For Gamblers, What About Superstition?

Luck is the driving force of any gambler for any sort of game. For them, if their luck is high and they are on a winning streak for a day or two, maybe even a week, they will do anything to replicate this luck once it runs out. You will find many gamblers following many superstitious beliefs just to ensure that they win. They will wear the same clothing or any particular item because they were winning when they wore it. They might even order the same drinks they did during the winning streak. Many players even believe in other superstitions like not entering through the main gate or not counting your money on the table – a superstition made famous in the Kenny Roger number “The Gambler.” Details apart, all these superstitions are for the sole purpose that they can win more money. Nobody really let superstitions keep him or her from winning or taking the loot, until now. But, in an incident that perhaps became the first-ever precedent, a Chinese player refused to accept a decently sized jackpot in accordance with a particular superstition of his culture.
What Really Happened
In a gambling group in Jackpot City Online Casino, the aforementioned player seemed to be very reluctant to cash in his jackpot money. This is because the numerical value of the jackpot stood at the amount of GBP 4444. This is not a bad sum at all, something most people would never even blink twice before taking. In western culture this is just another ordinary number and has no special or untoward bearing on our mind, so it is okay for us. In Chinese culture, however, four is an unlucky and inauspicious number, according to widely believed superstition. The reason is that in their language the word four is very similar to the word for death. Now that would be reason enough to make any of us blink; the jackpot must have been shouting death, death, death, death at the man. The latest report from the casino was that they were trying to find a way to make the man accept the jackpot by trying to convince him with better reason. For example, if this does not work, he could always change the currency (the number is bound to be different in foreign exchange) or subtract $111 from the amount!
How About It
It may seem rather bizarre, but superstitions, especially the ones which portent evil and are this ominous, can be quite hard to ignore for anybody. It is perhaps the same in the western part of the world with the number 13 and all the baggage associated with it. Even in the best of the times and for the best of the people, it is hard to reason against superstition. But this is indeed unique, as this is the first time morals, ethics, and gambling regulations have found a replacement in superstition for reasons not to accept winnings. It would be scary for anybody to suddenly see four or five thirteens crop up in the slots or anywhere else. You can imagine that the shock would be even bigger if three sixes were to turn up somewhere!
Atualizado em 26 de June de 2019.