Daddy Needs a New Pair of Shoes!

Gambling has had a long a sordid history. From the ancient Roman streets to saloons of the old west and then to the mafia-run casinos of Las Vegas, it’s easy to see why some would turn their nose up at this, possibly lucrative, pastime. However, things have changed for the average risk-takers; and many people would say it’s for the better. Long gone are the images of cowboys brawling it out in a Tombstone saloon (an idea that was mostly made-up anyway), and the well-dressed mafioso waiting behind large steel doors with a hammer, eager for the chance to break a poor soul’s hand because he was accused of cheating. But a bigger change loomed on the horizon that would modify the face of gambling so much so, that it would be almost unrecognizable to someone from even just fifty years ago.
The Internet. A vast techno-scape of information and opportunity. If there is anywhere that gambling could thrive and shed its former tarnished skin, it’s here. The accessibility of the world wide web, allows gambling to reach a much broader audience and attract many who are quite far removed from the seedy history of gambling. This includes anyone from housewives and retirees to college students and even, yes, professional gamblers. With this lucrative industry stepping out of the shadows and making its presence – and profits – known, many are throwing their fears to the side for a chance to hit the jackpot.
Many will question the validity of Internet gambling, and that is quite understandable; but the facts of the matters remain constant; it is easily accessible, fun and a growing industry. With new proposed casinos possibly being blocked by government and state officials (like the case in Glendale, Arizona), on-line casinos can easily fill a void for those itching for a fight with the one-armed bandit. Does it have the same allure of traditional casinos? No, it doesn’t, but, it does have some things that traditional casinos lack: comfort, accessibility and clocks. If you’re new to Internet gambling, or gambling in general, the “clocks” bit might have you scratching your head. Perhaps an explanation is in order…
Most casinos remove have no clocks on the floor. The reason being is because they don’t want you to leave. That flight you have to catch tomorrow morning? Not at all important to them. They want you to keep spending money for as long as possible and having clocks on the walls would deter you from doing that. You might be thinking that everyone has a cell phone and they can check the time that way, right? Well, that’s true in theory, but have you ever been to a casino? The lights, the sounds, the cheers and clapping – all very distracting to the average person, and that’s another reason why on-line gambling has grown so much: it’s safer. You have more control, and any good gambler will tell you, control is what keeps money in your pocket.
Atualizado em 26 de June de 2019.