Cash 5 Jackpot Of More Than $5,40,000 To Be Split In Two Tickets

The Jackpot of more than $540,000 is to be split into two as two tickets of cash 5, have won the jackpot simultaneously. Each of these two tickets correctly matched the all five balls, 12-13-15-21-41; drawn on 12th October, 2011, thus splitting the amount of $540,407 in two parts of $270,203.50, lea 25-percent federal withholding.
Each retailer of the tickets, one in Westmoreland County and other in York County, will receive $500 bonusfor selling the winning ticket.
Identities of the winners are yet to be confirmed until the claims are made and tickets are validated. The two winners have one year from the drawing date to claim the cash prize.
Claims To Be Made At Area Offices
The lottery rules require holder of the ticket to sign the back of the ticket. The winner has to call at 717-702-8146 and file a claim at Lottery headquarters, which are based in Middletown, Dolphin County, PA. The claims can be made at any of the lottery’s seven area offices too.
Claims to the lottery money may be filed at the headquarters on Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. While in the area offices, timing for filing claims is 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 a.m.
All Proceeding Are Used To Fund Programs For Older Residents
The specialty about Pennsylvania Lottery is that it is the only state lottery that designates all its proceedings to programs that benefit the older people. Thus, every dollar that the lottery players spend on the tickets either is won by the players or goes into welfare of elder residents of Pennsylvania.
This lottery was started in 1971.Since then the PA lottery has contributed nearly $21.5 billion to programs that include free transit and reduced fare-shared rides, property tax and rent rebates for elders, long term living services, low cost prescription drug programs like PACE and PACENET.They also contribute to 52 Area agencies on aging. This includes part time and full time senior centers throughout the state of Pennsylvania.
In the fiscal year 2009-10, in addition to awarding cash prizes to the winners of the lottery, the PA lottery has also contributed nearly $35 million to programs that are designed to provide benefits for senior residents of Westmoreland County and around $26.7 million to programs for York County’s older residents. The tax collected from lottery winners as well as the revenue generated from selling tickets is used in funding programs for the elders of the state of Pennsylvania.
Cash 5 Is Simple To Play
Cash 5 is a simple lottery, in which players pay $1 and select any 5 numbers from 1 to 43. The numbers can be selected using a Cash 5 payslip, players can select any number or they may use computer selected quick picks. To win the jackpot, all five numbers must match the five numbers drawn. However, there are prizes to be won for matching two, three and four numbers as well.
The Cash 5 drawings are made every night, seven nights a week. The tickets for the drawings can be purchased up to seven draws in advance. Pennsylvania lottery reminds the players to play sensibly and with responsibility. The players of this lottery must be 18 years or older.
Atualizado em 26 de June de 2019.