A New University Course for Casino management

The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast has announced plans to offer an on-line educational program for casino management. Students can go through the online program and come away with a certificate in casino management. The Gulf Coast is heavily reliant on casino gambling to keep one economy above water, and casinos provide a large number of employment opportunities. That is why colleges are now starting to offer training for positions inside the gaming industry.
The Mississippi Casino Operators affiliation recognizes the University of Southern Mississippi Casino Management Certification as exemplary for preparing students and employees for management positions inside a casino resort industry. MCOA encourages employers to recognize this certification through their tuition reimbursement program and hiring process.
Casino bosses and Casino HR managers area excited about the new program. Students who wish to have a career in the gaming industry are pleased to see the progress that has been made within the industry. Casinos have for many years been a fairly stable employer with tens of thousands working in the gaming industry and its hotels and entertainment complexes. Since 2008 when hard times hit some Casinos have had to downsize and lay off some of their staff.
In recent months, however, casinos have started to see revenue figures trend upwards, offering hope for the immediate and long-term future. The reaction to the program by a variety of Casino operators has been positive. They are encouraged that the colleges are finally starting to recognize what a big industry this is. Everyone gambles and goes to casinos, so educating the youth for potential future employment opportunities is a worthwhile effort. Especially since the Casinos are starting to pick up again.
The certificates can serve several purposes for students. The classes range from casino and resorts operations to resort financial analysis. The certification can be used to apply for a casino job, while students can also gain course credits for their undergraduate degrees.
Gambling is of course the major aspect and many of the students will learn about the various games and scams that are constantly being tried on the Casinos by gamers, card sharps and syndicated the world over.
Of course the big thing about operating a casino is that the odds are completely stacked in your favor.
So for every dollar that is placed on a table the Casino collects a few cents. Sure there are some pay outs and every now and then someone will go away with more than they brought but those are the few. Most will leave having lost.
The only exception to this rule is the Blackjack table where a clever strategy may actually beat the table. Fortunately for Casinos these strategies involve card counting. In Nevada card counting is not permitted but if only the brain is used then the only thing a casino can do is request that the player leaves and bans them from re -entry under pain of prosecution for trespass.
In Atlantic City there is no prohibition of Card Counting but the casino has some strategies for beating the card counter.
Atualizado em 26 de June de 2019.